- When I saw you the other day - says her ex-boyfriend-c 'was like a halo around you ...- and proposes to return together. But it would not make sense because that aura, that magic does not belong to her and can not give it to anyone. It may be only the two lovers that generate it.
I return this for a cute and silly movie that we saw last night - the film is "Night in Vegas" - but also because these days I think back to Arkeon. You will not find a thread of love, aura, of that "magic" in the sites of those working to destroy all traces of that path. Arkeon In contrast, love is born, there were always pairs with that aura of joy that filled all present. Who destroyed and is now trying to Arkeon infagarne or even erase the memory, has also affected the innocence of those who had taken the love circles. I do not think that it can delete it or undermine it or reduce it, but has taught so many to watch their backs and to recognize that someone is willing to do anything to destroy the love and the beauty of others. Why halo makes beautiful as ever.
- These two have a lot of problems. Many problems profoundly destabilizing as to which individuals must work seriously. Seriously. But, together, in my humble opinion, they're perfect for each other. A true relationship. Who would have thought it - says the psychologist who had the couple in therapy.
This is also normal, normal experience of all. It was also the experience of trying to Arkeon, the experience of miracles. But you will not find from some professionals. You will not find. You will find only that he or she have a problem that must be mediated by a specialist. Love is not force, is banality.
- So Jack has built a mobile - says the father to son had never accomplished anything: carpenter's son had always been crooked furniture, if he had finished - he over-
- Okay, Dad - he says his son - what's wrong? -
- Nothing. Bello. Really nice. I am proud of you-
- Thank-
- But ...-
- And you thought ....-
- You messed up that the big girl -
-was a huge mistake and stupid dad the whole marriage was a lie! -
- The wedding will be a mistake, but it was a lie. Anyone who has spent time with you guys lately you can confirm. So why do not you stop thinking with your ass and do not do something about it? -
So with this "blessing" father, son, thanks to the love that only he could do his father's work (without first love was locked, had no access to what is technically no doubt he could do since a kid) leaves his wife to recover. In the meantime had found herself. The love that had really touched, even under the intoxication of alcohol, in the madness of Las Vegas and had actually chosen, only to do too much fear, triumph. But it was tough as it is for any true love, we fight with all our strength (and I do not believe that the techniques used by Jack in the film are so rare, at least for me). But there is the hand of the father, who knows not the power of miracle that only love can do, but he also knows the way. And the son is ready.
Nothing extraordinary. Of course. The usual American film. Surely the monopoly of the interior can do much more sophisticated conversations. Nothing extraordinary. Trivial. In Arkeon I have not found much more.
But a lifetime.
Add one part of the final, dedicating it to the woman he fell in love.
. Listen, I want to say -
- When we were married, I was horrible. Sick. All wrong. And it was the best time of my life. You bet on me, Joy ... and I want to take this bet-