Great Simmello: Episode 15 Part Warning! This is the second part, read it here first:
As noted it is still night, but I was not in the skin and had to see how they grow two godchildren * __ * I'm sure you agree with me!
It starts with the first-born, or Ares ...
All tenants are to celebrate .. is an excellent opportunity to wave a little
also to wave weird O_O
We know that the holidays bring joy and away the bitterness Oliv .. even (I) to shake the spoon Party *___*
(it will be a long-spam)
blows pup * ç *
Ares grew up here and an explosion of confetti * __ * has a nose that is a love * __ *
The holidays are an opportunity to forge friendships ...
many great friendships ....
countless friendships O__O
but I know you're just waiting for one thing ...
here is the smaller Ares is practically ..... Orpheus miniature *______*
Tickling Mother's *____*
But this is no time to linger, there is another birthday * _ *
again, all Tenants get together in celebration ...
A solletichino by her mother *___*
and put aside any disagreements with Holly and Saints who do more of all casino
blows tiny * ç *
Cumbria and grows with this hair and these ugly eyebrows but unwatchable with a little face puciosissimo * __ *
after a quick restyle is a true love .... but here is all there is to say that his father .. . at least physically!
Oliv (I): * looks good * her doll
While Holly and Adua going to play football
Saints begin to get the sweet daddy with Ares ... .. I get that it's not your son! You could read a story in Cumbria instead of daddy did not have it ... eh? eh? you say??
Nothing to be done. Cumbria must make do with cuddling with Mom.
On the other hand the parents of Ares are committed to continually flirt = _ = '
Soon after, virtually all the tenants felt the irrepressible dsiderio out in the garden
remain just inside the Saints who continue to read fairy tales to Ares and olives (I) that makes a solid relationship with its tiny
Aurelio is back in costume. thanks dear Q_____
While Mauro gets to play chess with Orpheus O_o
is the first time the potty! Oliv Force (I) to!!
follows obvious spam ...
and applause for the small Cumbrian!
We read the girl ...
and get ready to potty time of Ares!
follows again obvious spam ...
Do not get distracted by the absurdity of your mother * __ *
Applause for Ares!
and no excuse for waving .... saints??
Meanwhile Aurelio has decided that the costume is too Q_______
Shortly afterwards, however, begin to have a little taste of what Cumbria may have inherited from her mother ....
mother ... but it is currently too busy ....
and this picture is totally dedicated to my dear Simon: Aurelio is cleaning the potty ....... please do not kill him with eyes * flap flap *
But there is no time to get away with questionable points because the fawn clean Aurelio decided to punish his way Oliv (I) a. ....
Giogio now he's gone for a week but they still hate each other to death ....
fortunate that The Yellow distracting you (apparently) easily ...
but is only apparent because the rest of the night goes on with Sting and slapping ...
in all this the two of them were still stuck playing ....
Aurelius and even began to play mah-jong with Adua
Sarah tries to calm the waters, once again, between her two friends (and flies)
... but it's a lost cause ....
and fight back!
WOULD BE sleeping in the same room where the two puppets of these = _ = '
that Sarah is still Oliv (I) is equally sexy version also pugilessa ...
But it is to win the fawn from the power of his slap.
rages and logically-_-'
sin with olives (I) there is nothing to joke ...
least the girl was removed from that disgraceful performance from Sarah who took her into the kitchen.
Cumbria is now attached to the play of logic * ç *
Saints tries to distract Oliv (I) a. ..
... with predictable poor outcome
little Ares is pretty desperate ....
then send the Saints to take care of him and remove him from there!
Down in the kitchen now Ares clings to rabbit charisma * ç *
while his mother goes to sleep
Under the sweet little face is fairly terrible * ç *
After a day dle general, even Oliv (I) goes to bed.
but the mothers are not allowed to rest long, so be awake shortly after her ..
that Holly ...
because fanning-apart-is there to take care of children.
It is to give food to Ares ...
... like us to clearly understand O__O
Holly is desperate to be much filth there is in the kitchen ... I even my dear ....
and Ares I change in a second because I can not bear to see him blurt out that kind of suit hairy tight inside the pot.
With Cumbria but we do not have time to get to the potty
and this is the result Oliv ... (I) should change her diaper but so tired ..... that really happen? Cumbria will stink for the rest of his days?
Ladies and gentlemen, take out your handkerchiefs, the tovalgie, the sheets and get ready to move you all !!!!!!!!!!!
Hip hip hooray for the Saints who picks her up fully autonomous Cumbria !!!!!!!!!!
and change the diaper *_________________________* ç______________________________ç *__________*
Orpheus, after playing for ten hours of chess, has some problems of urgency ...
... but his sweetheart before he takes a bath ...
and inevitably .....
this is the result ....
Although he retains a certain charm even so Q__
and a shower of Aurelius, who always has her why, also closes this episode!
See you soon with the removal!