shirt. In a short time there will be shirts, sweaters and then sweaters. Jackets. Duvets. Duvets and quilts to go around to stay (for two, warm, how nice). But the cold in my face I can not include (I put my face in the refrigerator, but you can not capture the experience cold air that stings).
I suspect that this inability to recall may have some biological basis. I believe that the internalized understanding that we are engaged in, and precisely in a circle of life is not random, but some come with age.
Who had thought that I'd grown up, then a father? And my father and my mother's grandparents? And there's this relentless wheel in which we are all in it? Of course he knew, but did not warn you. Now, yes, and it is a po'spaventoso.
been years since I become world-class dining, of whatever order and degree (by the way, I'm not following the lively debate about the school. But I've got a proposal: why not call again the primary, secondary and higher since there is no need for marketing?). If I imagine, I see many of my former companions with children and adults. Nobody told me so! I thought that would happen, but that first time was infinite.
Instead, I'm resigned to the idea that things that seem to belong to the distant future will happen sooner or later. Pretending that the first time is infinite, when they arrive, we find ourselves bewildered and one remains a po'male.
I'm not sure that this is inevitable. I remember my father telling me to do many things because then I could no longer. I'm tempted to comment that it is so for all. In my case, though, my mother thought, on the contrary, that things were not so, that this limit was not there. I do not say against her, because I think this attitude first game against her. My father told me about the little things (travel, study, experience), but I think until I start to great things.
I do not feel ready to teach children some of the inevitable stages. I could think again as a pedagogue. But I feel ready to acccettare for me knowing that there will be many stages, hopefully good, that I, myself, I will be present. For one thing, one day I meet a friend of mine and we realize to be old. If all goes well, it will happen.
This leads, I think, to think about their lives differently, in some way to extend his eyes.
Once, in a world in many ways worse, all this was clear. At least as I understood it myself. Osservavava time is passing through people. I have also observed this in the circles of Arkeon, generations, new, small and coming elderly people as they age, and the growing feeling of being in this cycle.
amazement I discovered that the initial group that hates Arkeon - hated it because now I think there's been little or no experience - is also strongly opposed to this way of looking at life. Prefer, and if they did not change their opinion would be better to hate the culture of infinite time.
But they are wrong. We all belong to the Circle of Life.
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