Nemorense @ 2010-05-02T22: 48:00
I survived the college, the first in my life and I thank those who were there with me out there trying to calm down, it went.
Then I returned to Albano, on the train and travel to eat, I was literally starving.
And yesterday, the zoo in Rome. Zoos make me sad, but now has become a rehabilitation center for protected species to Rome and it does not bother me too much.
one time this blog was a daily diary. They were strange days, where a chance meeting I was wondering if I would take away from the head to someone who has occupied an extraordinarily long time, days when I thought that a glass of wine and the smell of nougat of a fair at night were and created all the time ...
E 'not yet born when I thought I'd come back and see photos of Pisa with the lump in his throat, as I do not have the courage to come back.
'm back and I do not know what will stay, if you'll stay, what to do next, I just know I want to continue studying and nondecido alone anymore.
I only know that the meetings that changes your life and did not expect them all out of the atmosphere of normality, but only a detail, that is the look where you're missing. I
potertelo show even when I'm nervous Marco, but you make me happy. I'm full.
I wish I could remove even small disappointments of daily life, but I do not know how to tell you and I know I can not. But I'm here.
Thank you for these five months, love.
I love you. Your
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