Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dovnload Nero Vision Expres

[Story] The House

Very, very long time time ago, in a pleasant valley in India, lived Akebono, a young beautiful and very strong. All thanks to his athleticism and intelligence shining, he found it. Easily won the competition of skill and strength with their fellow citizens, was loved by every woman within 100 miles and in his spare time carving of the wonderful statues of animals, famous throughout the country. Thanks to this trade could live without any thought.
When people asked him what God had given these skills, he replied - none. "There are no gods", continued, "only the man is the god of himself."
Unfortunately for him one day a god, even a goddess, took these blasphemous words. To cap this misfortune was Kali, the most terrible of all. So bad that instead of instantly electrocute the young man, decided to punish him in an even more inspiring. With its many hands spun an invisible string and scratched.
At night he visited the young man, cut from a piece of wire coil and a head attached to his arm. The other end fastened to the bell who was at the temple nearby.
Then cut another long piece and tied it between the young and his mother. Another among the young and younger sister. And so on, until he had tied to wretched all his dearest affections. The next morning
Akebono woke up early as usual. He took his trusty spear and went hunting. Just saw a movement on the horizon, threw the weapon with superhuman strength. The boar did not have time to take another breath. Akebono picked up the animal and shouted loud against the sky of its power. The gong of the temple rang away.
Once home was bitter news: her younger sister, who was cooking the meat just before the fire, had ended horribly burned in the flames. Those present said that it was an invisible force to raise the burning wood and hurl it at her. Perhaps the gods were angry. Akebono then said no, it was just bad luck, which certainly was not a god to do what the poor sister. Another gong sounded far away. Simultaneously, the mother of Akebono came screaming and bleeding in the hand. The knife that he had in hand had sliced cleanly through the middle and ring fingers. Akebono again said it was bad luck just a series of unfortunate events. The gong rang again.

Many people around Akebono had to suffer before the proud young to understand. To put an end to all this to appease the gods decided to commit suicide. But Kali was now satisfied: the young man dropped into a deep sleep, one by one, broke all the nodes of evil wires. Less than the last, that linked him to the temple gong. Akebono would serve to not disrespect again. Indeed, from then on, he decided the goddess of the many arms, he tied a string to all newborns. Each person would have been inextricably linked to something else or to another person. So, if he doubted the existence of the gods, Kali would not have struggled to bring them back on track.

The night was perfect, and had an excellent chance of succeeding. The move a few steps from Cape Canaveral was this unique opportunity to make a change in his sex life that otherwise, he was sure, would have been completely nothing anywhere else in the world.
All thanks to that magical hill from where, together with Isha, was watching the launch pad to hundreds of feet below.
had used that particular bastion many times already, although much of the launches were held di giorno e gli facessero perdere occasioni irripetibili. Ma oggi era stato davvero fortunato. Isha gli piaceva molto. I suoi lunghi capelli neri e lisci, il taglio d’occhi orientale. La sua inconsapevole bellezza e i molti interessi in comune.
- Ti porto a vedere una cosa bellissima. – le aveva detto, e tanto era bastato.
Adesso si trovavano là nella notte, sull’erba umida di un filo di brina, spalla a spalla, a vedere da lontano i febbrili preparativi sulla rampa di lancio illuminata a giorno.
Aveva calcolato tempi e movimenti sul precisissimo rituale della NASA. Una veloce occhiata al suo casio digitale gli confermò che mancava un minuto alla partenza.
- Attenta – he said, while treated with nonchalance was preparing to reduce the distance from the object of desire. To his surprise Isha was approaching, and bending low, catching him.
His perfect plan received a strong jolt. He decided to give itself to improvisation, as he thought, to enjoy the show. The Shuttle


Isha with his girl voice said: - Guardaaaa! - And he, despite being there for something else, could not help but follow along with her in silence in the wake of the bully two carriers that accompanied astronauts beyond the realm of gravity. After a
minutes her eyes broke away from the dreamy to rest on its launch.
- you know - he said - My grandmother told me that anyone, no matter how far we can go, is linked to the Earth. Even those men inside the capsule. The Moon, for example, revolves around a child because we keep it close to an invisible thread. Then, when this child grows up, leaves the wire to another child, who will be responsible to keep it until the adult will have to go to another. And through the centuries and millennia.
Ishii smiled, as if to underline the absoluteness of this. And that was the perfect moment, the instant right to cancel the distance to travel like a rainbow that little ride to his mouth, hypnotized by the spectacle that had accompanied her.
But he turned, overly amused by this tale naive. He stared at the ship that disappeared in the darkness, and said painfully: - How ridiculous. It 's like now if I could get hold of the thread ...
Shuttle - And pull him down as well. - Added, giving a manly tear to the invisible rope in his hand, as he turned to kiss her. With satisfaction
vida Isha startled, then he thought that his eyes were really beautiful in the sudden light that was tearing the night. When he finally heard her scream, some certainties began to explode like fireworks.


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