Monday, November 24, 2008

Sudden Extreme Fatigue And Bloating

Shit We're all confessors - the course in 2 volumes.

Not since the Terrorist's Handbook that I am not so keen on reading the screen.


MANUAL confessors

to Bishop Bouvier
Bishop of Mans.

translation from Latin of O. Gnocchi Viani

What actually thought that there was a confessor's manual I had to come. A sort of book that colega the sins of the master to the number of prayers to give, for example. They will not some random! Some


Three is the chastity, namely: _castità coniugale_, _castità vedovile_ and _castità verginale_.
conjugal chastity moderates the use of marriage according to the dictates of reason, the widow's chastity is against any act of sexual abstinence after the marriage dissolved, add to the virginal chastity abstinence perfect, the integrity of the flesh.

Therefore, it is a mortal sin the carnal delight deliberately in any emotion, even if accidentally energized. The

pollution is divided into: 1
. Simple and qualified;
2. Voluntary and involuntary;
3. Volunteer in itself, in its origin and voluntary

The pollution is said qualified _ _ where, besides his own malice, there is added another, or part of an object to which it is thought, or by the person who is passive in the pollution, or by those agents. So

a surgeon, who see or touch the genitals of a woman, is to cure an illness or to facilitate childbirth, it certainly exposes the occasion of a wet dream, but it may not sin, provided that there pay any consent, contuttochè be exposed to a danger of consenting to the next.

There's more harmful habit, in any respect, young people, and especially males, than the pollution , imperocchè, taken from this depraved custom, hardened spirit, stupid, despise virtue, disdain religion, their character turning blue, unable to energy, incapable of any strong connection, the forces of the body missing, serious illness occurring, it is a sunset appalesa premature and often die of shameful death.

kisses, even if honest, given or received by reason of lust, same-sex or different sex, are mortal sins.

E 'obvious mortal sin to wear the clothes of another sex with lascivious intent, or with grave danger of lust, or with considerable scandal.

lay bare the breasts and cover with a shimmering dresses so fine that it is a mortal sin, is imperocchè This is a serious incentive to lust.

_ marriage is essential to its consummation .
_ The consummation of the issue is with the husband's semen in the vagina's natural wife or coll'unione of husband and wife in such a way that they become one and the same flesh, just the words of _Genesi, 2, 24_: "It will be two in one flesh."

When her husband is penetrated in the vagina of his wife and you have paid into the seed, reputasi consummated the marriage, whether
the wife has or has not delivered its juice venereal
, What, moreover, that one can not ascertain, and that is not absolutely necessary for fertilization nor the consummation, like many of legalization.

Impotence _relativa_ verificasi is that with this or that person, but not all, for esemipio, a woman's vagina may be too narrow for a man, and not another, man can ; be under the influence of some personal curse, or may feel indifferent to a young and not for another.

Impotence is _temporanea_ instead if they can be removed with any of those assets, that is, with the effect of time, with a natural and legitimate, or normal hill Church's prayers.

(ll full text can be found here: )

Friday, November 14, 2008

Are There Games Like Poptropica

Summary of previous installments.

Entropyst We left, the protagonist of our serial, struggling with his existential problems. But a quick turn of events sends secont pianogli of our events: his friends are starting to create so much trouble to force the hero to leave his private life to come to the aid of the unfortunate.
But just a night in a pub and the smell of nivea on his hands, bringing it on winding roads and complicated ... [More] [maybe not] [is that] [mica indeed I paid the fee] Published

Friday, October 31, 2008

Clown Loach White Spot

What you will not find

- When I saw you the other day - says her ex-boyfriend-c 'was like a halo around you ...- and proposes to return together. But it would not make sense because that aura, that magic does not belong to her and can not give it to anyone. It may be only the two lovers that generate it.

I return this for a cute and silly movie that we saw last night - the film is "Night in Vegas" - but also because these days I think back to Arkeon. You will not find a thread of love, aura, of that "magic" in the sites of those working to destroy all traces of that path. Arkeon In contrast, love is born, there were always pairs with that aura of joy that filled all present. Who destroyed and is now trying to Arkeon infagarne or even erase the memory, has also affected the innocence of those who had taken the love circles. I do not think that it can delete it or undermine it or reduce it, but has taught so many to watch their backs and to recognize that someone is willing to do anything to destroy the love and the beauty of others. Why halo makes beautiful as ever.

- These two have a lot of problems. Many problems profoundly destabilizing as to which individuals must work seriously. Seriously. But, together, in my humble opinion, they're perfect for each other. A true relationship. Who would have thought it - says the psychologist who had the couple in therapy.

This is also normal, normal experience of all. It was also the experience of trying to Arkeon, the experience of miracles. But you will not find from some professionals. You will not find. You will find only that he or she have a problem that must be mediated by a specialist. Love is not force, is banality.

- So Jack has built a mobile - says the father to son had never accomplished anything: carpenter's son had always been crooked furniture, if he had finished - he over-
- Okay, Dad - he says his son - what's wrong? -
- Nothing. Bello. Really nice. I am proud of you-
- Thank-
- But ...-
- And you thought ....-
- You messed up that the big girl -
-was a huge mistake and stupid dad the whole marriage was a lie! -
- The wedding will be a mistake, but it was a lie. Anyone who has spent time with you guys lately you can confirm. So why do not you stop thinking with your ass and do not do something about it? -

So with this "blessing" father, son, thanks to the love that only he could do his father's work (without first love was locked, had no access to what is technically no doubt he could do since a kid) leaves his wife to recover. In the meantime had found herself. The love that had really touched, even under the intoxication of alcohol, in the madness of Las Vegas and had actually chosen, only to do too much fear, triumph. But it was tough as it is for any true love, we fight with all our strength (and I do not believe that the techniques used by Jack in the film are so rare, at least for me). But there is the hand of the father, who knows not the power of miracle that only love can do, but he also knows the way. And the son is ready.

Nothing extraordinary. Of course. The usual American film. Surely the monopoly of the interior can do much more sophisticated conversations. Nothing extraordinary. Trivial. In Arkeon I have not found much more.

But a lifetime.

Add one part of the final, dedicating it to the woman he fell in love.

. Listen, I want to say -

- When we were married, I was horrible. Sick. All wrong. And it was the best time of my life. You bet on me, Joy ... and I want to take this bet-

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month ancestors

Tonight begins the month of the dead. I prefer to talk, at least in the family, the ancestors of months, and the circle of the ancestors, which, having passed from this world, huddle around their descendants. It is not my idea, but Vito Carlo Moccia. I get the chills again - of positive emotion - when I think of trying to Arkeon in which, without any strangeness or magic, you just remembered that, in addition to the circle of us who are here on this earth, there is circle of those who has already passed. That is not a circle of strange faces or far, but first of all the circle of grandparents who have known great-grandparents who were at war or who have plowed the fields of a village that we visit in the summer. Wrinkled hands or tears of mourning for the grandchildren that we parents tell our children to make them understand that there is today, but yesterday there was also an equally real.

The national radio has been appended to the Halloween fashion, taking us (as a child was not there) in a festival a few years, consumer-pagan I do not like. I like and I remember especially excited tonight (and throughout the month) of who was there before us. I also like the legend that the boundaries between the two worlds are reduced and, without anything scary, who no longer lives there is closer tonight. I like the antiquity of this party then also become a Christian.

I do not like however, but for nothing, the ill import a taste of horror in the lives of our children. I do not like the morbid taste for death, for fear, for magic, for that part of the pagan traditions that Christianity has thankfully consigned to the past. I do not like this market even in a superficial forcing our young people to seek a bit of vitality in horror. I do not like to forget our traditions, not as if we had to import packaged. But it seems to me that everyone accodino. This

my opposition to the magic-morbid-Gothic I would approach certain Arkeon persecutors, which are also opposed to magic. It is so because these people are opposed to the inner quest, to human freedom, in search of true feelings, the relationships prodondità hoping to be able to manage exclusively. I read with no surprise then that, behind the main accusers, there would be a major company, founded by former members of Arkeon which would seek to buy Arkeon (as if you could buy), and after that it went wrong, would launch accusations. I do not know anything, but I'm not surprised, as I'm not surprised that these people are also able to attract a cult following through what seems to me to handle.

If the anchor is not solid, it's easy to be manipulated or be tempted to manipulate. Often I doubt my berth, but I know it from the ancestors that need to start.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dovnload Nero Vision Expres

[Story] The House

Very, very long time time ago, in a pleasant valley in India, lived Akebono, a young beautiful and very strong. All thanks to his athleticism and intelligence shining, he found it. Easily won the competition of skill and strength with their fellow citizens, was loved by every woman within 100 miles and in his spare time carving of the wonderful statues of animals, famous throughout the country. Thanks to this trade could live without any thought.
When people asked him what God had given these skills, he replied - none. "There are no gods", continued, "only the man is the god of himself."
Unfortunately for him one day a god, even a goddess, took these blasphemous words. To cap this misfortune was Kali, the most terrible of all. So bad that instead of instantly electrocute the young man, decided to punish him in an even more inspiring. With its many hands spun an invisible string and scratched.
At night he visited the young man, cut from a piece of wire coil and a head attached to his arm. The other end fastened to the bell who was at the temple nearby.
Then cut another long piece and tied it between the young and his mother. Another among the young and younger sister. And so on, until he had tied to wretched all his dearest affections. The next morning
Akebono woke up early as usual. He took his trusty spear and went hunting. Just saw a movement on the horizon, threw the weapon with superhuman strength. The boar did not have time to take another breath. Akebono picked up the animal and shouted loud against the sky of its power. The gong of the temple rang away.
Once home was bitter news: her younger sister, who was cooking the meat just before the fire, had ended horribly burned in the flames. Those present said that it was an invisible force to raise the burning wood and hurl it at her. Perhaps the gods were angry. Akebono then said no, it was just bad luck, which certainly was not a god to do what the poor sister. Another gong sounded far away. Simultaneously, the mother of Akebono came screaming and bleeding in the hand. The knife that he had in hand had sliced cleanly through the middle and ring fingers. Akebono again said it was bad luck just a series of unfortunate events. The gong rang again.

Many people around Akebono had to suffer before the proud young to understand. To put an end to all this to appease the gods decided to commit suicide. But Kali was now satisfied: the young man dropped into a deep sleep, one by one, broke all the nodes of evil wires. Less than the last, that linked him to the temple gong. Akebono would serve to not disrespect again. Indeed, from then on, he decided the goddess of the many arms, he tied a string to all newborns. Each person would have been inextricably linked to something else or to another person. So, if he doubted the existence of the gods, Kali would not have struggled to bring them back on track.

The night was perfect, and had an excellent chance of succeeding. The move a few steps from Cape Canaveral was this unique opportunity to make a change in his sex life that otherwise, he was sure, would have been completely nothing anywhere else in the world.
All thanks to that magical hill from where, together with Isha, was watching the launch pad to hundreds of feet below.
had used that particular bastion many times already, although much of the launches were held di giorno e gli facessero perdere occasioni irripetibili. Ma oggi era stato davvero fortunato. Isha gli piaceva molto. I suoi lunghi capelli neri e lisci, il taglio d’occhi orientale. La sua inconsapevole bellezza e i molti interessi in comune.
- Ti porto a vedere una cosa bellissima. – le aveva detto, e tanto era bastato.
Adesso si trovavano là nella notte, sull’erba umida di un filo di brina, spalla a spalla, a vedere da lontano i febbrili preparativi sulla rampa di lancio illuminata a giorno.
Aveva calcolato tempi e movimenti sul precisissimo rituale della NASA. Una veloce occhiata al suo casio digitale gli confermò che mancava un minuto alla partenza.
- Attenta – he said, while treated with nonchalance was preparing to reduce the distance from the object of desire. To his surprise Isha was approaching, and bending low, catching him.
His perfect plan received a strong jolt. He decided to give itself to improvisation, as he thought, to enjoy the show. The Shuttle


Isha with his girl voice said: - Guardaaaa! - And he, despite being there for something else, could not help but follow along with her in silence in the wake of the bully two carriers that accompanied astronauts beyond the realm of gravity. After a
minutes her eyes broke away from the dreamy to rest on its launch.
- you know - he said - My grandmother told me that anyone, no matter how far we can go, is linked to the Earth. Even those men inside the capsule. The Moon, for example, revolves around a child because we keep it close to an invisible thread. Then, when this child grows up, leaves the wire to another child, who will be responsible to keep it until the adult will have to go to another. And through the centuries and millennia.
Ishii smiled, as if to underline the absoluteness of this. And that was the perfect moment, the instant right to cancel the distance to travel like a rainbow that little ride to his mouth, hypnotized by the spectacle that had accompanied her.
But he turned, overly amused by this tale naive. He stared at the ship that disappeared in the darkness, and said painfully: - How ridiculous. It 's like now if I could get hold of the thread ...
Shuttle - And pull him down as well. - Added, giving a manly tear to the invisible rope in his hand, as he turned to kiss her. With satisfaction
vida Isha startled, then he thought that his eyes were really beautiful in the sudden light that was tearing the night. When he finally heard her scream, some certainties began to explode like fireworks.

Friday, September 5, 2008

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The Circle of Life

Tarda estate will return home from work in the dark. I can not even imagine how it is. Yet it is almost thirty years and beyond and are attending a fall. As if you feel a part of my living with a biological cycle year, and had never impressed the whole experience. I

shirt. In a short time there will be shirts, sweaters and then sweaters. Jackets. Duvets. Duvets and quilts to go around to stay (for two, warm, how nice). But the cold in my face I can not include (I put my face in the refrigerator, but you can not capture the experience cold air that stings).

I suspect that this inability to recall may have some biological basis. I believe that the internalized understanding that we are engaged in, and precisely in a circle of life is not random, but some come with age.

Who had thought that I'd grown up, then a father? And my father and my mother's grandparents? And there's this relentless wheel in which we are all in it? Of course he knew, but did not warn you. Now, yes, and it is a po'spaventoso.

been years since I become world-class dining, of whatever order and degree (by the way, I'm not following the lively debate about the school. But I've got a proposal: why not call again the primary, secondary and higher since there is no need for marketing?). If I imagine, I see many of my former companions with children and adults. Nobody told me so! I thought that would happen, but that first time was infinite.

Instead, I'm resigned to the idea that things that seem to belong to the distant future will happen sooner or later. Pretending that the first time is infinite, when they arrive, we find ourselves bewildered and one remains a po'male.

I'm not sure that this is inevitable. I remember my father telling me to do many things because then I could no longer. I'm tempted to comment that it is so for all. In my case, though, my mother thought, on the contrary, that things were not so, that this limit was not there. I do not say against her, because I think this attitude first game against her. My father told me about the little things (travel, study, experience), but I think until I start to great things.

I do not feel ready to teach children some of the inevitable stages. I could think again as a pedagogue. But I feel ready to acccettare for me knowing that there will be many stages, hopefully good, that I, myself, I will be present. For one thing, one day I meet a friend of mine and we realize to be old. If all goes well, it will happen.

This leads, I think, to think about their lives differently, in some way to extend his eyes.

Once, in a world in many ways worse, all this was clear. At least as I understood it myself. Osservavava time is passing through people. I have also observed this in the circles of Arkeon, generations, new, small and coming elderly people as they age, and the growing feeling of being in this cycle.

amazement I discovered that the initial group that hates
Arkeon - hated it because now I think there's been little or no experience - is also strongly opposed to this way of looking at life. Prefer, and if they did not change their opinion would be better to hate the culture of infinite time.

But they are wrong. We all belong to the Circle of Life.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ethics And Fair Trade

The network of fathers and mothers holding up the world

What holds up our society, the Italian as the West in general?

I know too little of the East or Africa to extend my speech, but a first idea of our society are formed me, I would say, on my own, only to see that coincided with what many other people had already thought.

Famiglie In Italy, does little justice, civil law for almost nothing. How do we go? What causes do not we fall into anarchy?

I got the idea that, to keep standing, more or less the community, there are decent people, decent families. They give me the politically correct boxes, I would not lead to misunderstandings. I'm talking about decent people who, while in the general chaos, but perhaps in the inner difficulties and sorrows of life, leading ahead of the other and to their children and grandchildren a more or less correct, more or less good, but at the end of accounts, family-centered and, therefore, on love and mutual respect.

I do not know where it comes from all this. This network of good, which I think holds society together, not today. I note that some family values are passed down in families for at least a hundred years and I have no reason to think that before they were so different. They are not the difficulties of today: It is not that the average family are doing very well during the feudal or the Renaissance. But I have the impression that its basic structure, the family made up of father and mother, which are the two milestones, is undergoing a difficulty is not entirely new, but it certainly made exceptional by technology.

I often wondered how he could stand a company with bad policy. My answer is that there is this network of people, fathers and mothers, but not only that you meet, do their job, running a family.

So I also realize that not only work for my family, but also to support this community.

Friday, July 18, 2008

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Truth crystal

Bicchiere trasparente a glass just come out of the dishwasher. So clean and transparent. Brilla. Just give us a distracted hand to make it fall to pieces.

The truth seemed like granite, or rather of solid crystal, for so long. Did not become more opaque with age, I just realized that it is often the provisional result of a search, which involves what I have inside me just as committed attention to what's going on.

When I found out, thanks to the couple's life, sometimes I was not able to perceive what was going on, so great was my injury or my bias, or my need to be right, however, I was baffled. Even more, when the external references are skipped, all together, and I had to find what was my truth, despite the others. Knowing, for proven experience, can think again.

In recent months I have witnessed a major media movement in which one of the most important aspects was the attempt to impose on everyone a single version of "truth." Certainly, in my view, and among others, the goal was to harm some people, to push it in solitude and despair. But there was also the profound goal of moving to the community because one truth should reflect on the parties concerned as confirmation of its truth, bow right.

least I do not deny the need for external feedback to discover their own truth. Indeed.

agree, however, that in my life as a man, father and husband the truth is always a provisional research, including in and out of me. Fortunately .

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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Father and son in New Zealand

Today largheggio post (soon see). I found a great video on the parent-child relationship, that moved me, blog, beautiful, Baraka . I always put slightly in the speech difficulties of death, but I talk about it again. I just wanted to report it immediately.

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A boy and a girl passing

There's a guy I see around near where I live coming back from work, will be seventeen or eighteen years, maybe less. Go around in black shirts, the kind a po'impressionanti a po'horror not dwell on his eyes with pleasure. Her hair is inordinately long. The companies that I had never seen here, I do not seem much.

Madre e figlio He still has the boyish face, the air of one who makes the very first rebel to be, but certainly the mother must be a negative surprise.

were in church every Sunday, his mother and him. Love and harmony, one attacked the other, rather than the opposite. You happy to be there, he accurately and in its place. I had noticed that his head could be seen wandering in other lands.

From what little I understand, the change seems good. Even if you do not agree how to dress. E'che I found that, at some point in life, obviously feels the need to put a distance, whether physical, parents, and especially the mother. Some leave home, others make it unacceptable to the mother in several ways, including physical ones. The problem is that many mothers are unable to accept this need away.

There is also a girl, a little girl, who, however, looks like a male. He dresses and behaves, at least in part, as a male, even in the way that embraces the other girls. It looks as seen from the people have many questions in my head, on the other and its future. Lately I seem to have noticed more hints of femininity. One day, the bar, I heard the mother rifersi to men as "boys" or "boy". Not just a phrase to think of a cause-effect, but sobering.

In one of the first seminar of Reiki, I witnessed an argument between mother and child. Most of those present, he saw, sympathized with his son. I, no doubt, defended her mother harshly criticized by his son. Today I see, and maybe I state, the desire of these young lives to find their way into full life.

PS: The photo is of mother and child working together to improve road safety. A fascinating history

Monday, July 14, 2008

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not tempt the Lord thy God

My father does not go to church, there is always just gone, but all in all, has always been a believer. My mother raised the problem, solving it with going to church for a while, but I did not understand if you still believe it or not (in God, before the Church, I mean). As a result, I got a bit of my religious education here and a bit there. The grandmothers have taught me the little prayer, the grandparents in the church, however, there you go.

I would be a fool if I did not say who was my father gave me a sense of excitement at the marvels of creation and a great sense of respect for religion. I spared the silly mocking which is just a waste of time.

But certainly, I have not learned the catechism at home. I was, and still are, an enthusiast, with the result that was discovered Christianity, I assumed that this would also be the cornerstone of the "century". To dissolve this phase, between 8 and 12 years, we thought priests and catechists, convince that if the faith had to pass by them, atheism became definitely an attractive option.

At that catechists not only lacked the ability to inspire, listen, accept, send some fire, but also those clever ideas and heart that a teenager, but with the brain to three thousand great need for acceptance, would have jumped at. Not that they were bad people, we were not really for each other. I remember certain times of the meeting to pretend to sing (no singing, but
necessary to prove) that then as now was a frustration ion every wish and desire.

Raggio di sole result was a religion, certainly Catholic, more heart than head, sometimes very honest, sometimes a po'insofferente, sometimes a po'incredula. With this store, I met some people who are more religious than me and trust in Providence. I have often felt, probably rightly, lower than these people and also with a sense of "I should be so too".

I have a vague impression that if my life will be alright in the end will remain basically the search for God, when everything else has been lived. But at the same time, I can not make peace that does not move the leaf which God forbid. It seems to me a choice that takes you in the end to a great hardness of heart or at least indifference. I can not even pacify I choose and decide on the basis of events "that God wants."

Today I thought that there is something more wrong with that reasoning . I think asking God to take responsibility for their own choices, of showing what is right and what is wrong, determine everything that happens is
" not tempt the Lord thy God " (Dt 6:16)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why Has My Sucker Fish Died

If sparrows, what?

There are a lot of sparrows around in our cities. In this period can be felt from the early morning hours (which are precisely first, we speak of five).

A sparrow may fall from the nest first, then growing, they say, no sooner than either father or mother at least call. Do not know if he can find to eat. In this period would also be difficult to find a drink. Everywhere one, there may be a cat ready to take it. Life expectancy is not encouraging and tragedies in the community of sparrows that shares the same scenario where I live also, are the order of the day. I do not know if there are sparrows grandparents, I doubt that there is no great-grandparents.

Passerotto Our life is very different. We are very different. Sometimes, I wonder how life would be like a bird, without really knowing anything about the next minute. I guess you take the things with great philosophy, but remain always on the line. I do not think that this is in the nature of human beings. Now millions of years, or at least hundreds of thousands, we can live a little better. Certainly, few generations, perhaps very few, who are behind a good part of this desperate struggle for survival.
But what remains in the human heart of all this? Who are we? We are of the birds without cats? Or is there something else specific to the experience of living as human beings? Who is man?

One day in a circle of Arkeon, an intensive, I saw men fighting in a manner respectful of, among women who encouraged them. This was one of the occasions on which, from my personal perspective, I felt that this type of fight is part of human nature, my human nature. How to accomplish something deeply human and different from the pa

certainly in the life of the sparrow are times when we understand what it means to be a sparrow. For man is the same thing.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Brazilian Hardwood Floor

Knots II - Day 1

A friend of mine has become great and went to live alone. In reality it would have done without, but annoyed that parents spend money on the locks changed at home.
Her new apartment is a short walk from my office, where my friend already spent most of his time. E 'on the first floor of a beautiful building which has four.
To understand that the condominium joyful pull air from now on, my friend has organized a small party, these five people, including myself. During the evening there was also the emergence of other people, like the open nature of the party demanded it.
Logically organized around with beer and wine. Logically with pork chops and bacon. Logically barbecuing. Logically on the balcony.
I lit a barbecue on a small terrace in the center of my city I had never seen.
I think that even after five minutes the old woman began to scream in front of the building:
- Oh God, smoke! But you are to do '? What do you stand burns'? Oh Madonna! I feel bad.
Seraphic neo landlord: - Do not worry, we move it the other way.
other side = on the balcony overlooking the main road. So quick passage of the barbecue on fire (but with wheels) through the kitchen - hall - living room and the roasting continues.

cooking, thanks to the wise direction of one of the guests was fantastic. Moments of panic there was, however, with the bacon, which has raised a cloud that has not been seen in the area for decades
The neighbors upstairs did at the beginning timidly peeping out from under their awning. Then they disappeared. I think stunned by smoke from citronella as mosquitoes.
I would say that is not bad as a debut.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Low-light Sd-camcorder

A moment of farewell trip to Ostuni

At the end of the seminars we greeted listening to a song. A meeting in the eye, a hug after intense emotions. I do not know when Vito started to put this song. I know that I really like.

The moment of greeting at certain times moved me, in others I enjoyed, and in others to avoid it or to let the pain of the feeling of having just saying to my wife. Anyway here it is.

How Do You Get Rid Of Simple Goiter

I had not imagined that the Intercity , which were then something a po'seria, but also exceeded Ancona Pescara, became a kind of interregional cooperation. I still do not know if was out of necessity or political patronage. Of course, I was strange to see that train from the big city, on which I rested my butt for a few hundred kilometers (at that time remote hygiene train was still decent), it being the station of Ostuni .


However had arrived. I had planned for a while ', asked for permission to Vito (usually require frequent before a more intensive, but in fact it was almost a year since my first seminar), verified to have the financial resources (to go on a skiing holiday it would cost much more) and I was writing. Then, with trepidation and anticipation, I had booked the train. That left me with very few others, in this village in the (for me) remote Puglia.

travelers disappear from small stations such as water on sand. If you are outside, you find yourself alone in a moment. But I found I was on the sidewalk outside with another person on hold. It was difficult to establish that we were waiting for the same passage to go to the same place. A chat and a little more.

I was very impressed by the seat of the intensive, the farm The Spagnulo . I never asked about his history, but has all the appearance of a fortress complete with walls, courtyards, churches (one abandoned), gardens and fields. There is some building more recently, but it is a really nice place. The management has always left me perplexed by the lack of care that I found equally directed to the site, we Arkeon (then the name was still Reiki) and tourists. Some staff, especially in the early years, was very kind, then various avvicendemanti have made things worse.

Lo Spagnulo I think I spent the first few hours between the desire to know others, perhaps a fleeting visit to the sea (the only one in many years) and the exploration of some of the locations is strong. Entering the front door on the left, there is a church . To get there, open a door, along a corridor full of plants discovered, between two high walls. Behind the walls, enclosed by four walls, there are orange groves.

Next to the church door on the left, there is a small passageway and a staircase. From there you log on to the roof of the church. During the day it goes on a sea of olive trees ruffled by the wind. At night the stars shine more than at the planetarium.

I was worried? I was curious, excited and also a po'timido. A few hours later I walked hand in hand with other people before unknown until recently and looked into his eyes. met two eyes and a face that struck me very much. I liked it so much that, after so many years, I am counting every minute that I can not see it. It was, and is, to my wife.

I will not tell how the intensive. From that first experience, I remember the laughter that were made during the Ki training, a kind of gymnastics (much more and much better, but to make the idea) that was made in the morning. Laughter that concerned me too, I could not stay in balance in certain positions. The classic thing in other contexts would make me angry. But there, the atmosphere was cheerful, I felt that there was nothing wrong with not being perfect, I'm putting the years to accept that I never will be, then I just know that I could be a po'dopo.

There was so much mud, it rained. There was my wife, but I do not speak of this, at least today.

I remember well the struggle between men instead. The first time I lived in a not so deep. I was terrified of physical confrontation, I thought of being annihilated. Instead, for better or worse, kept the field, maybe even won a match. It was a great freedom won.

experiences, emotions were a thousand. But I brought home a mobile number and a promise.

I also had a fairly good confidence that we have found that support for Arkeon that time was going really well. I was right.

PS: I did not know there was someone already into the unknown for some years been organized, collected information without notice, without any open criticism. It is those who, by an Italian citizen, made me at least a little ', a simple brainwashed follower of a sect.

Even if I had known all this recent result, of course I would not change a comma of my choices.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where To Buy Denman Brushes

The first seminar

do not have a precise memory of the first seminar. Talk a lot about Reiki, but there were no changes in my life. I listened and I was thrilled. I read books Jacopo For, in the end were not that great (for example, Zen and the art of fucking, Become God in ten moves), but I was suddenly interested in all things that are there. The workshops of the then Reiki, I attended every three to four months, I heard the stories of people, more or less exciting explanations. I saw people moved and it seemed impossible that I could move me, it is now an almost everyday, but I did not know what it was a tear on the cheek. It was a big surprise, in fact.

I remember the exchange instead of treatments, which included meetings, appointments between "students". It was a world very soft, at least in my perception, where everyone could be everything and its opposite. There was a lot of kindness to newcomers and, for my part, the impression that those who attended for years had some kind of knowledge or experience. Apart from the close attention to the position of the hands in the treatments, I've never seen anything that was done deliberately to make me think of super-skilled people, nor was there any formal degree. But I liked these
believe that there were people who knew more than me.

I remember one night instead, I think, a friend of autumn come to a presentation.
Family He said that there it was good, but seriously and had no intention to look inward, to listen to the anguish of others who can always be ours. I think he did well, not only for freedom, but respect the decision he felt, then, is right for you. At the same time, I confirmed that from the start, I wanted to do on seriously. Without giving up the irony, but rejecting the cynicism, I tried an environment, a group of people where one could speak of love, dreams, nightmares of newspapers as real life, fears, loneliness, their small dramas seriously. Among the gentlemen, do not talk about things that are too strong or unpleasant as death, love, life. I did not want this, I wanted to talk about things that mattered. This was done.

At a seminar, it was the first time, was such that instead of name is John, John, Henry, spoke with unmistakable emphasis ours a unique Indian name. He had penetrated into the matrix do not know which path to Buddhist or Hindu. Ended sharing very clear. She said he was disappointed in some form, because he had expected more, his research was absolute, and even then the Reiki Vito Carlo Moccia spoke of the emotions come out of treatments, dealing with the sons of Mario Giovanni, John son of Marie, of our everyday world of always trying to make stark.

I was not looking for anything further, the philosophy I've never understood, in India there has never been. Mom and Dad, however, I was well-known arguments.

Can You Upgrade A Celeron To Dual Core

Things to read

interrupt the story, to resume as soon as possible to report some links that I appreciate about Arkeon. The list is not is great because we want to find negative reports recently.

For lurker advice:

For those who love the blog:

http://fioridiarancio.wordpress. com /

(who in the meantime, however, has disappeared) as well as

: modules / news / print.php? storyid = 148

Add instead

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Norstar Adding Extension

You (Good thing).

This morning I woke up with him to feel bad when you're in as bad a time. A few seconds to emerge fully dall'onirico and I realize that, in fact, it is a dream. In fact a nightmare. I had stolen from your home computer, in which there were some things that are absolutely important to me. Even where the computer was back up had the same fate. You say, there are the worst of nightmares, but it's not my fault if I've got the geek dream.

come to study some more 'rocked the night fantasy. A few minutes goes after Adam. Approaches, hugs me and says "Are you okay?". Before laying
answer tells me the reason of so much affection: "Last night in a dream you're dead, and this morning came to me terrible anxiety: D".
"Curious, I also today I had a dream vividissimo", and the story of my nightmare.

done what was done in a hurry, say goodbye and goes to get a customer to several kilometers from here. But after even a minute I hear his voice calling us from below. Desperate. The laptop that was on the back seat of his car parked in a serenely quiet street, had disappeared. Good thing.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

How Does Exercise Burn Calories

A cozy circle

Reception. Affectionate but without interests. This I have experienced in the first seminar, along with new forms of being together, until then completely unknown. Look in my eyes, maybe hands, sit in a circle and tell their story, some people who came to be moved, treatments.

All these people, like me, looking for something better, answers to many questions, without cynicism or presumption.

do not really have many answers found in that first seminar, but after all this time, experiment with more environment genuinely interested in the events of each and no preconceived ideas or goals for my future. In fact, I was not even asked what was my goal. There was plenty of time to talk about it to understand it.

Sure I came out thrilled. A decade later, I remember the happiness for all things heard, this community was concerned that finally things that interested me. That is, somehow, the sense of my life, the meaning of our lives.

Del Maestro, title typical of Reiki, I had a favorable impression, but also of great distance. Do not fail to note his attention to everyone, but there I was hurt when, in conclusion, I said very little.

But I really want to come back to see the next episode.

Looking back, in light of the criticism in the last two years, I recognize not be gone with all the weapons of the cynical rationalist. I have seen others come in with that attitude and come out with positive or negative opinions. I did not want to lie to anyone, nor dotarmi a magical technique, much less heal others or myself.

As I see it today, was looking for a cozy environment where you could stop and talk, even through the treatments, to listen, and a guide sufficiently wise. I did not care that they were proven techniques or not (I did not think of any result, however), I knew I did not want any pedantic already knew that my answers or that he was too wise to deal with others. What he hopes for a happy tomorrow, and I also showed flashes, yes.

And this, I looked and it seems to me, I had fully found.

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A sheet of colored paper

An A4 sheet of colored paper, folded in three, with an inscription printed on the title, I assumed, Japanese . What was written in part in Italian, I honestly do not remember, or maybe I never slept with too much attention.

was in the late 90s.

Reiki One person told me about Reiki , I had harshly criticized for your interest in a practice so irrational, and I'd forgotten. It had been months and, behind the teasing, it was built if only the spirit of emulation and a bit of curiosity.

I was looking for. I was looking for answers to many questions about me, about my life and about life, about my future and the future. Perhaps more than the answers, I sought the opportunity to ask me questions that are all to give me my answers . We see this

Reiki. I never liked the weird things or alternative (wrong, at least sometimes). Least of all things magical. Reiki, however, seemed closer to the things that I respected and respect as martial arts and Zen. Zen then I read a booklet, of course, without understanding anything.

short, this A4 leaflet that says the Japanese carried an address and time. There was talk Free of presentation. To me, however, mattered little. The cost of the seminar seemed affordable and Friday night was too full of other possibilities (at least theoretical) to pass to the presentation of something I wanted to try anyway. There were local friends, turns to night. By day, however, could be the workshop of this Reiki.

And so I found myself in this seminar.

Are Combi Boilers Reliable

Love Is All We Need

Giacomo Leopardi thought best on Saturday of Sunday, waiting for the best reality. One way to think that I've always been disliked.

Viaggio di nozze In fact, for me it was not so, the wedding day was much better than its preparation. We had fun preparing it, very much in the same day and time to honeymoon. Next came the

first child, a different joy, and maybe even bigger. Meanwhile, life has become more concrete, the need to bring home the bread, along with the desire to achieve professionally. Harder than expected, but in the end was what I asked.

New Horizons, responsibility, new challenges, to explore and conquer.

I did not start this blog, however, to tell my life. I do not know if I'll ever want to occupy someone else's time with things that perhaps only a few close friends can really understand me.

I write because, as I try to run my life, while fighting my daily challenges, not unlike those of many others that are now in my age group, someone else had decided that the group had found that support was a sect, and then, without my knowledge or thought or wanted to, I am an adept. It's always a strange feeling when someone decides what you are (especially if you are wrong).

That someone was not and is not interested in improving the group or to prevent misconduct and had just decided that this group should be deleted ignominy.

not alone. He also decided the fact that I, as hundreds of other Italians, if not ignore this group, we were brainwashed , the class citizens.

My life was and is much more of membership in the group called Arkeon.

What part of me, or at least why are bushes lot in my life, honesty, respect for truth, freedom, gratitutidine and friendship.

I let it go Arkeon, but I can not accept the false, lying, oppression of freedom of expression and so on. If anyone has suffered from Arkeon, sorry. If you were really committed crimes, those who have committed to pay. I do not agree però la costruzione di un gigantesco falso mediatico ai danni di chi questo percorso l'ha messo insieme, di chi l'ha frequentato e sostenuto con cuore e di chi ne potrebbe in futuro trarre beneficio.

Pensavo che i media, soprattutto i giornali, in Italia avessero un minimo costante di attenzione al loro lavoro. Ho scoperto che non è così. Ma ho anche scoperto che continuo a credere che nell'Italia del XXI secolo alla fine la verità può emergere.

Perché questo accada, di seguito, racconto la mia storia rispetto all'esperienza ormai conclusa di Arkeon, sperando anche che questo serva, in futuro, ad evitare nuove simili "crociate".

Monday, May 26, 2008

Werewolf Syndrome Removal Of Hair


Nonostante le successive vicissitudini, pare just that my parents were in love . As often happens, they decided to marry. From my point of view, a good choice.

Thus, in a winter of the '70s, I was conceived. Sperm of my father has come to an egg of my mother. Before the others managed to enter, two nuclei are fused and, wham, I was there at least potentially.

Then the cells have multiplied and one day I was an embryo beautiful ready. I do not know the circumstances in which my mother realized he was waiting for me. It seems that you were happy once, while my father was taken aback a po'alla. However, the version is unanimous that the next few months were particularly happy.

of my growing up and, slowly, I became child.

It finally came time to be born. It seems it was easy, but as in all cases, has not been an easy task nor the mother nor the child (albeit one that is most worrying is the father).

Concepimento guess I have been cold and that he was lost out there. But there was the usual mom that I knew from inside, and I must have consoled. Then there was the milk that was a new experience enjoyable.

the months have passed, I looked at the world from wheelchair. Obviously I do not remember anything but I have fun with the illusion that the light spring that I really like is the memory of the first outings.

It seems that shortly after started laughing. I liked to laugh, to tell the parents and photos.

were the 70, as I said, and I do not much noticed. From what I understand, the childcare was not exactly like today. However, I remember the grated apples that have not yet gone out of fashion. It seems to me that there were now fewer colors, fewer things, especially to review some coats instead of humanitarian intervention that is bought with great satisfaction. The games were perhaps less beautiful, but I had many, not least the children now.

I remember, a bit bigger, the arrival of the other creature family, joyous event together and upsetting for my ordered world of parents and grandparents. But then we went mostly agree. Indeed.

It seems that much thought. I certainly liked to talk and talk and talk. I read books, but also spent hours playing. The friendships, which I now have only a few shreds of memory, had to be important and intense, in a world that, up to five years, was largely incomprehensible. Things happen in a succession of a po'privo logic. Perhaps because children are saying little about the great plans. When I think back to

schools, kindergarten and media, it seems really to talk about the last century. Maestre shirts in blacks or, at best, green or blue accustomed to being revered, pupils and students in blue overalls with white ribbon. But I had great friends, but unfortunately my parents would not get along. The family, with all the difficulties and the fight stays together and it was somehow a horizon of hope and freedom in relation to a school that was not just free and joyful.

Goldrake Then there were the averages, are less protective than the previous ones, but also freer. At first I went to the confusion I experienced different companies, other than "good." Then I got in line, but meanwhile exploded reading skills, knowledge, reason, and I met, fortunately, friends share it with. It was the time, we are in years 80, the first Commodore, VIC20 from the 64.

the world go around me, I was certain of the protection offered by my family. I guess the well-being, in those years was a bit of all. On trips abroad, we felt we Italians less. He began to think of the girls, very first theoretically, then a more concrete level.

Basically, my father and my mother could not make peace, even by the very positive contribution of grandparents. We lost a beautiful piece of living and raising children, and someone told him, but it is not easy to hear in those occasions. At higher

I wanted to be a contrarian. New friends, new everything. Overall, a great disappointment that I was not able to get out, changing school or rebelled against the studio. E'difficilissimo make their desires until at least twenty years. Incapable teachers and a class in which there was what I wanted. E'rimasta some friendship and a bit of things I have learned. I began to practice a sport that fascinated me and made some other relevant experience.

Of all the teachers, too absorbed in their problems, too ignorant or indifferent, or simply not up to a class of teenagers, some figure was impressed. A professor has stayed with me in mind as an example of discipline and striving for better. My father taught me well, but he added, in a query, the feeling that there is a better than mediocre. E'morto young and I'm very sorry.

All ' universities. I rolled in uncertainty for months, amid numerous assumptions and desires. Dreams. In the end, I chose to, but slightly in late. I've had a good university education, but boring in many other ways. Friendships, even if today seems almost all evaporated, however, I was fine.

We were all thrown into a tomorrow that there was more fear than enthusiasm. To many back home have finished school seemed to be a tough step, but inevitable, I had not any intention. Instead, I studied more. I tried what I liked, I liked in theory but in practice. The fight to the death was because he had to like what I had decided. I do not listen much. There was always the

sport, not competitive, but an inexhaustible source of fun. There was the challenge to learn and understand new things (I knew little, studying evil, but somehow I was doing).

Then gradually I dare. I decided a road professional, that I wanted, and I found myself on another, I'm very happy.

But before that I started to do what I did. The famous follies of youth. From the business point of view, a real disaster. In themselves, even positive, with really hard times. But I went out of loneliness than compared to others and also myself. Step by step.

I love , having received reports, through no fault of some, that was not there with the heart. Why was not there myself.

Meeting A hectic, crazy, irresponsible, when there was this story. The story ended badly, in fact malisssimo. I treated their wounds because I mbrava if you lost the best I could have. I was loved back, but then it was over.

I burst my head. I spoke, I spoke, I spoke. Slowly I have been better. Before I started doing psychotherapy that maybe helped me, But not much. Well started a new relationship, I was less taken, but it was well .

ate before the summer, I met the opportunity to attend a course of a journey that I had talked in the past. I found it interesting, he attended others. There was also my father and I realized how much distance there was between me and him. He began a rediscovery of man that I had generated.

Meanwhile, the other relationship was over and I met a girl , very pretty, shy and rebellious , which I liked immediately. In three days, I decided that, for example r my part, would become my wife.
sult she eventually was agreed.

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A normal life

This morning I got up at 6.00. We must prepare to go to work and take to school who should be brought. Last night we fixed the house up late. Begins a week of intense, tiring (all are welcome even if the holidays seem too far). I hope to have time to spend with the people I love, at least a bit '. Half an hour here and there.

The ordinary life of millions of Italians. Extraordinary, if I as an individual. Ordinary, if I compare to many others.

When I was younger, I did some madness. Nothing really exceptional, but the things which are done young people and which recalls with a mixture of pride and embarrassment. Sure, I experienced more alcohol than you need, I barely slept, I traveled as much as it happened, I met many people and other such follies. Today, the desire to do some crazy and maybe still do, but are otherwise. Time passes and change (improve my opinion) interest.

I did not say they are also Catholic. With some doubt on the theological and church today (and yesterday), but with the determination to seek the faith at times when not arise spontaneously from my heart.

For information, I always read the newspapers (not lately), a po'Repubblica a po'il Courier. I knew it was not always accurate, but all things considered. I always thought that the thought was in the newspapers, thinking 'average' was more or less right. I do not like Berlusconi, but I agree with some aspects of its program than a sinister decrepit. I always thought there were some unacceptable elements of his legal case. That's it.

are estimated at work (not all of course) and also in life. Many I recognize a good ability to judge, or perhaps something more. Try to improve the capacity of dialogue, every day.

So I feel comfortable? If I have not done anything wrong? If I was not accused of anything wrong with that?

Is A Hand Held Radar Illegal?

Good start

Hello. Today begins My blog.

I'm not a fan of the blog, but I thought it would be useful to tell a story. My story.

I am Italian and Italy is a free country. But in recent months, I am discovering that it's not that simple.

This morning it's sunny where I live, a beautiful blue sky with cirrus which makes some less than dazzling blue. E'piacevole all really want to do or even just to stay around to enjoy what is there. Nothing seems able to take a color negative.

Yet, despite this serenity, I know there are people working to disturb my peace of mind and that of thousands of other people, with a pattern seemingly noble and justified. I started this blog to tell this story, and why have I got to worry. At least a bit '.

PS: I'm not interested in the plots. Here I speak from my point of view, but only facts.

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Sons Got Chicken Pox

Being constipated is sometimes a cultural art form

Fredric Brown, a prolific science fiction writer, He specialized in short stories with fulminant final key. His capacity for synthesis was that his stories rarely exceed three pages. Some
assign to him the record for most short fiction story . In fact, the story is a meta narrative, being in the incipit of the broader "Knock" (1948):

"The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There Was knock at the door ..."

The real record, add beat, and Edward Wellen. The title of his work, written in 1974, is: "If Eve was not able to conceive" . The following is obviously zero characters.

Very beautiful as well as some of the micro-stories written by stars of science fiction for the magazine Wired:

Charles Stross
"internet becomes conscious? Repeat it - connection interrupted"

frank miller
"insaguinate with your hands, I said goodbye"

bruce sterling
'and' cost too much, staying human

Orson Scott Card
"the baby's blood type? human, mainly"

Ben Bova
"died to save humanity still "

and my favorite:

neil stephenson - writer
" tic tac tic tac tic tic "
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, April 21, 2008

Is Diazepam Legal In Thailand


Henry: I need a nymphomaniac who say if you saw the Colbert Report has mentioned that Chavez cites Chomsky knows who Colbert, who is and who is chavez chomsky
HENRY: This [with whom I go out now, NDR] not even know I do not think that means nymphomaniac, imagine the rest.

Monday, March 31, 2008

How Long Should My Dachshund Sleep

I just wanted to let you know that I finished the trilogy of the city of K.

A book brilliantly sad.
One of those books that if the advice to 10 people, 9 below and I will withdraw the last sex with you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How To Apply Lavender Oil

Bloody Lies twins love (a real story)

The last time was five years ago. I was young and enthusiastic but due to a clumsy girl I was really shocked. Since then I had this absurd phobia. That I raised over the years, almost perverse taste. Are useless people who invited me to try, on which is not as bad as you paint it, do it all, some more some less often. nobody is not dead, far from it, mocked me with a smile.
But over the years I continued to cuddle this irrational whim, confession, the girls. Which widened his eyes in disbelief when told that the last time I was in junior high and since then no, I did not have the courage. But now

I realize that I have to fight this thing here. It's not healthy for a person who is in the middle of the journey of his life unable to combat the fears of an accident.
So tomorrow I will get up early, I know where I am going to find it and will choose to gaze upon your choice. The
stare into his eyes trying to make her understand how important it is for me that is really delicate. Praying with all my might that not make the mistake of the girl who spent more than twenty years ago a good ten minutes Ravana in my right arm to find a vein.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Can Yeastbe In Glands

In October and November, trumpet

Rankings month sorted by birth: August 1st

July 2nd 3rd 4th September October

5th March 6th

May 7th January 8th

June 9th April

11th November 10th December 12th February

Update: the Milanese are ingrifati in December

Births per month in Milan, years 2004-2006

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Frog Bath Toy Organizer

Let's see if I find out more ... The differences have been

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Well Wishes After Stroke

Last night, sipping soft drink in the second row (do not worry, nothing serious) I started with my neighbor across the [info] Florestan \u0026lt;/ lj> a game. In retrospect it could be called "keeps on hitting" or "recursive italics. Is to find a definition for a word xxx rixxx type. Ok, you have not understood a catz, Here are some examples:

Kissinger's motto:
"Middle and remedy"

William Tell after the splendid old:
"Miro and behold"

Gentile who boasts of having removed from the field Maradona
"Mark remarked"

The stripper
Islamic "veil and reveal"

And today, speaking with [info] lupigi \u0026lt;/ lj> beginning of the year, I mentioned the trick. As expected proved to be a recursive italics mine:

The kidnapper sends you a picture of the kidnapped and a ransom

The first of the seven is nano
Dotto and reduced

A Belgrade is who makes the cocks his
Serbian and discretion

The boy who does the same, sad soup
"Mesto lapping"

Kate Moss Without
and rebuilt

In addition, a pair of the undersigned:

Debt forced
"shake and I collect "

Rocco Siffredi in twenty years you review his tapes
" Member and remembrance. "

Berlusconi that goes to the yacht harbor and carry

went to Ostia evil
Mass and remittance.