Saturday, July 31, 2010
How To Be A Good Chikan Advice
I greeted everyone, or almost. I'm really about to board a plane for the United States? Yes Yes, I'm really starting to America. What a laugh last year when I said to my friend in Scotland: oh, next summer in America! believing only half. But soon after I started to believe it really. Long before the Belgian, but not before in Norway.
Many people ask me what I hope to find, or what I'm going to do, or why America and why do I take in this way. Some say that America is hypocritical, which is consistent with others, and others that has no history.
To me America is the opposite of where I live. I do not want to be always one step behind. America is the values that raised me. And yes, yes, you drive too soon, you shoot too easily, you're out of ten Americans are obese. But I've always been accustomed to look on the bright side, to eat the healthy part of the apple, not the gear. I do not like my country more, there are too few opportunities to leave me, holding me now increasingly weakly. Italy will have a more prosperous and history to be proud of, but now it is rotting slowly and almost fail to notice, if not travel.
America has a side which continues to struggle for the future. Italy is strong in its Mediterranean diet, but then what? Italy has the Colosseum, Michelangelo, the gondolas. All we estimate, appreciate us, copy our style, but then what? Everything belongs to the past, everything revolves around something that we did. Our large have gone too long and what we are doing for us? What are we leaving it to others? Who would have respect for us, if we had our history? Everything is gone. Italy is old and boring. Italy eat healthy, but does not produce news. Italy is a hypocrite, preaching the mafia and well but has not let us marry.
This place is white on my map, it is empty, it is turned off. I only love my city, but because it is mine. I only love my family, my friends and my sea. I love my island, but if I could, I would choose to return, not to live there.
Some would say that the answer is no escape. Forse è vero, ma non credo di poter dare il meglio di me restando qua. I do not think that will meet and assist.
E non è vero che non sono orgogliosa di essere europea. Lo sono. Solo che l'Europa non è pronta.
Darò un'occhiata, magari mi sbaglio. Magari cadranno tutte le mie convinzioni e dovrò ricominciare tutto da zero. O magari no.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
2006 Bootlegs Pearl Jam Store
Sembrano preferibili queste emozioni leggere, fresche, che passeggiano con me, ma non mi scavano dentro. Sono più gestibili, più semplici, quasi rilassanti. L'ansia non mi frena, niente mi terrorizza. Queste emozioni a metà, con dei limiti, che non raggiungono mai quella silenziosa parte di me, mi fanno un po' felice. Almeno non devo preoccuparmi del contraccolpo. Sono sincere, do not ever stab in the back. Are not complicated, they can only give us smiles. They make me happy, but without being moved. And I'm so happy, why move me makes me ashamed to feel an emotion so strong, a joy so great as to hurt hold it in his hands. As if burned. I do not want to suffer with being a waste of emotion that for my veins.
And I come to find once a year, once every second, once every ten, maybe. It was not enough to have eyes for someone, they want me to fall prey to someone. Now not just a concert, they want to make me tremble. Time travel is not enough, they want me to be reborn elsewhere. New eyes for new places. New leather branded. So when I come back I feel so out of place, but the memory will be heartbreaking. This is the love and, like any intense joy, will always, always so bad.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Poster Mit Nadine Jansen
How do I feel, if not the luckiest person in the world? As a young man with a bag full of stimuli felt more excited to meet me?
I feel so, as if someone had stuck my head firmly in the coffee. I feel so strongly as if they swim in a fluid that makes me strong, that opens my eyes. All of my efforts are rewarded with more energy, hard work but do not sweat, and, as sudo, I get rewarded by a greater beauty.
Not even a year since I became a complete vegetarian, but since I deleted the last animal bite, I feel another.
I rebuilt, reconstructed. I feel new, better, more beautiful. I feel almost magical, as if I were able to do anything. And they are, within the limits of the human.
Not even a year job, but this experience has opened the doors of the airport that there is more majestic and inviting. E 'by less than a year that really live? No, definitely not, but many lessons to help find ways to live better. It is not always the beatings to grow an individual. Even caresses work.
The secret is to be willing to listen. But very often a hurry, too impatient to live, too much desire to play with that toy, without losing time to mount it.
I'm lucky, I was born with the patience already placed on the bottom of my bag. I just had to take it out and learn how to dose it. I am lucky because I went along with that also comes with fear and courage, respectively stored in the side pockets of my bag. The fear I need to reason, to silence the instinct, natural in every animal, to recognize what is needed and what to avoid. Courage, however, I need to give voice to the stimuli that slowly gather, keep, and slowly quench the thirst I meet along the steps that I proposed.
Sometimes I doing proposals, but should go some time for them to be evaluated and, finally, accepted.
I do not believe in a god, but I believe that each of them actually has something interesting to tell, something good to offer, but when the man makes them too similar to themselves, lose their luster. I do not believe in people, they come and go. I do not believe in their stories, believe in their experiences when they show me the fruits, their scars, their skills and know how to exploit. In this belief, in the absorption knowledge and learning. I believe in science, when done well.
I believe in the capacity, innate or acquired, and in their exploitation. Maybe it's not very scientific, but I believe that every individual has a purpose, which was dedicated to each task a recognized ability to learn to operate along the route so that it can bear fruit for themselves and for others. I
I found my, but I will not be happy until I perfected it. In fact, I believe that everyone has several to choose from and who can improve them and use them all has my respect.
There who has an innate ability to love. He who gives all of himself to others, even strangers, who cares for the children, the elderly, anyone who needs it. About
in friendship is never selfish, the couple who has a single point of reference. The love they give is their skill. A gift, indeed. Difficult to learn.
I love you, yes, but not so. The few times that I loved more than now, I almost go crazy. Now I'm in love less, but longer and not people. Now is the sound of words that move me in a foreign language, is the scent that not perceived from the windows of this country.
I do not like me when I fall in love people, I lose my mind and it is not easy to notice the dark or light. I do not see anymore. And 'as if I were no longer me, as if my body was sealed inside a clear plastic bag off, put under vacuum, and if my robot to make decisions without considering that the brain has been suffocated under the plastic .
But this is not the only way to love, I am convinced that there is a healthy way of giving to others. I have a lifetime to find out. Today I
stimuli, I love what I do, I love who accompanies me, even if its choices were to get him to leave. The respect.
I love being cold in the summer, get in a couple of long sleeves and cover your skin tan.
I love languages that are not mine and I love when they start to belong to, little by little, meaning after meaning.
I love to sit at a table in a room so obvious that, if he were here, never attending. I love the typical, when I'm not home.
I love perfection, because I ride, but fall victim to the unexpected is almost a relief.
I love the London sky, oh how I love it! I love the foam, the trail left by the ferry that takes me from coast to coast, through a "monstrous" lake, to reach an island that houses the museum more attractive.
I love to read the signs on the highways, which turn from green to blue. I love
as highway, I love breakfast in roadside restaurants.
I love the postcards. I love to choose them, I love to write, I love the original paste on a stamp, I love to read them all in one breath before I slip through the hands, I love to greet them before leaving, I love to send them. It is a ritual, is the best moment of the trip.
I love to travel, everything. I also love the time before the trip, which can be particularly long. This is one of those, is a preparation and lasts for eight months, but I am convinced that will not suffice.
On August two thousand and will touch the other side of the world. For ten days I will live a unique experience, my American experience. The first. And certainly not the last.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Interview Thank You Email Ok?
25 College Street
My dearest Girl,
This moment I have set myself to copy some verses out fair. I cannot proceed with any degree of content. I must write you a line or two and see if that will assist in dismissing you from my Mind for ever so short a time. Upon my Soul I can think of nothing else - The time is passed when I had power to advise and warn you again[s]t the unpromising morning of my Life - My love has made me selfish. I cannot exist without you - I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again - my Life seems to stop there - I see no further. You have absorb'd me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving - I should be exquisitely miserable without the hope of soon seeing you. I should be afraid to separate myself far from you. My sweet Fanny, will your heart never change? My love, will it? I have no limit now to my love - You note came in just here - I cannot be happier away from you - 'T is richer than an Argosy of Pearles. Do not threat me even in jest. I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion - I have shudder'd at it - I shudder no more - I could be martyr'd for my Religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that - I could die for you. My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet - You have ravish'd me away by a Power I can not resist: and yet I Could resist till I saw you, and even since I have seen you I have endeavoured Often "to Reason Against The Reasons Of My Love." I can do that no more - Would the pain be too great - My Love is selfish - I can not breathe without you. Yours for ever
John Keats
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Visual Kei Dressing Ideas
I went back to Pisa for a couple of days. I have to thank everyone from C. I visited and the contubernali to G. and A. that have really made a mad rush to greet me and offer me lunch, for AV invited me to dinner, trying to organize the evening, and that once they knew that I came back just to say hello (as well as for the company dinner), the professor and his wife for their aperitif, GF because he always knows exactly what to say, I talked to Ema of Europe, Lez that I missed a lot, to Professor L. I work with the absolute clarity with which he has dispelled the doubts, J. for informing me of S. and have stopped to talk with extreme courtesy to C. B for the gossip and LC to be there forever and always find the funny in the situation. A Nadi to be absolutely as it is and for the company (also appreciate the fact that they have checked that there were some meetings). A
M. that I was missing the beautiful store.
thank everyone, who was not I was very sorry, but I know that many (almost all) were absent entirely justified.
Greetings to all
Denise Mialni Toplles
I would like to thank in this post and absolutely do not want to be words of mere form, the wonderful hospitality offered by C. in Pisa. Simply outstanding, discreet, generous.
thank the talk at night and I apologize if I crashed yesterday to sleep without even realizing it, I fear that the heat has destroyed me.
Thanks for listening to my Paturnie and I hope to see you soon, it was really a pleasant stay. A hug
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Show Me How To Give A Brazillian Wax
If only I remember you. What I left you, what have you left me. You must be a fantastic place, I'm sure to have you worship.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How To Make Trading Cards Holographic
The truth is that since I know you I'm happy. The truth is that you know to see you every day makes me run to you, my love.
'm seven months and one week (day most days at least) that I bear.
Thanks to exist, my love. A big kiss
Friday, July 2, 2010
Watch Pinky And The Brainonline Free
I think I know people around me, to know exactly what to think, what are his intentions, his emotions, what surprises him, what does not. I know his needs, but only those posters. His fears, but only those who find comfort in my presence. I do not know concerns that are not capable of healing. I do not know them because no one submits them, thinking they could be the only masters of their own panic. I think I have an idea of people who have crossed and then moved away, or are about to do it, but do not really know them. Each of these approaches because I want something that can satisfy a habit, a desire. Someone wants to browse a bit, 'see what's behind here, who hide too well, so maybe you can spend ten minutes with laughter, or feel proud of having discovered America. What I did not realize is that most search and less is more and less present calls. There is nothing that can give him back here.
Someone needs my practical help someone just for company. Every time someone wants to be my friend, then changes his mind. Somebody tries, then changes his mind. Someone can then change your mind.
Anybody want my writing, some of my language, my eye on someone wants to feel respected. Someone wants me to play a little '. Someone wants to be me.
I think I understand everything, but I am convinced that I do not really know anyone well. And no one I know me. Served to do something to help, love one way, the company, but I do not see anything other than a disposable relationship. I have no reason to make me curious if the interest is not the end for me, but what I can do or come to believe.