flamingo_road @ 2010-07-25T23: 00:00
Sembrano preferibili queste emozioni leggere, fresche, che passeggiano con me, ma non mi scavano dentro. Sono più gestibili, più semplici, quasi rilassanti. L'ansia non mi frena, niente mi terrorizza. Queste emozioni a metà, con dei limiti, che non raggiungono mai quella silenziosa parte di me, mi fanno un po' felice. Almeno non devo preoccuparmi del contraccolpo. Sono sincere, do not ever stab in the back. Are not complicated, they can only give us smiles. They make me happy, but without being moved. And I'm so happy, why move me makes me ashamed to feel an emotion so strong, a joy so great as to hurt hold it in his hands. As if burned. I do not want to suffer with being a waste of emotion that for my veins.
And I come to find once a year, once every second, once every ten, maybe. It was not enough to have eyes for someone, they want me to fall prey to someone. Now not just a concert, they want to make me tremble. Time travel is not enough, they want me to be reborn elsewhere. New eyes for new places. New leather branded. So when I come back I feel so out of place, but the memory will be heartbreaking. This is the love and, like any intense joy, will always, always so bad.
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