flamingo_road @ 2010-07-31T16: 09:00
I greeted everyone, or almost. I'm really about to board a plane for the United States? Yes Yes, I'm really starting to America. What a laugh last year when I said to my friend in Scotland: oh, next summer in America! believing only half. But soon after I started to believe it really. Long before the Belgian, but not before in Norway.
Many people ask me what I hope to find, or what I'm going to do, or why America and why do I take in this way. Some say that America is hypocritical, which is consistent with others, and others that has no history.
To me America is the opposite of where I live. I do not want to be always one step behind. America is the values that raised me. And yes, yes, you drive too soon, you shoot too easily, you're out of ten Americans are obese. But I've always been accustomed to look on the bright side, to eat the healthy part of the apple, not the gear. I do not like my country more, there are too few opportunities to leave me, holding me now increasingly weakly. Italy will have a more prosperous and history to be proud of, but now it is rotting slowly and almost fail to notice, if not travel.
America has a side which continues to struggle for the future. Italy is strong in its Mediterranean diet, but then what? Italy has the Colosseum, Michelangelo, the gondolas. All we estimate, appreciate us, copy our style, but then what? Everything belongs to the past, everything revolves around something that we did. Our large have gone too long and what we are doing for us? What are we leaving it to others? Who would have respect for us, if we had our history? Everything is gone. Italy is old and boring. Italy eat healthy, but does not produce news. Italy is a hypocrite, preaching the mafia and well but has not let us marry.
This place is white on my map, it is empty, it is turned off. I only love my city, but because it is mine. I only love my family, my friends and my sea. I love my island, but if I could, I would choose to return, not to live there.
Some would say that the answer is no escape. Forse è vero, ma non credo di poter dare il meglio di me restando qua. I do not think that will meet and assist.
E non è vero che non sono orgogliosa di essere europea. Lo sono. Solo che l'Europa non è pronta.
Darò un'occhiata, magari mi sbaglio. Magari cadranno tutte le mie convinzioni e dovrò ricominciare tutto da zero. O magari no.
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