What holds up our society, the Italian as the West in general?
I know too little of the East or Africa to extend my speech, but a first idea of our society are formed me, I would say, on my own, only to see that coincided with what many other people had already thought.
I got the idea that, to keep standing, more or less the community, there are decent people, decent families. They give me the politically correct boxes, I would not lead to misunderstandings. I'm talking about decent people who, while in the general chaos, but perhaps in the inner difficulties and sorrows of life, leading ahead of the other and to their children and grandchildren a more or less correct, more or less good, but at the end of accounts, family-centered and, therefore, on love and mutual respect.
I do not know where it comes from all this. This network of good, which I think holds society together, not today. I note that some family values are passed down in families for at least a hundred years and I have no reason to think that before they were so different. They are not the difficulties of today: It is not that the average family are doing very well during the feudal or the Renaissance. But I have the impression that its basic structure, the family made up of father and mother, which are the two milestones, is undergoing a difficulty is not entirely new, but it certainly made exceptional by technology.
I often wondered how he could stand a company with bad policy. My answer is that there is this network of people, fathers and mothers, but not only that you meet, do their job, running a family.
So I also realize that not only work for my family, but also to support this community.