The truth seemed like granite, or rather of solid crystal, for so long. Did not become more opaque with age, I just realized that it is often the provisional result of a search, which involves what I have inside me just as committed attention to what's going on.
When I found out, thanks to the couple's life, sometimes I was not able to perceive what was going on, so great was my injury or my bias, or my need to be right, however, I was baffled. Even more, when the external references are skipped, all together, and I had to find what was my truth, despite the others. Knowing, for proven experience, can think again.
In recent months I have witnessed a major media movement in which one of the most important aspects was the attempt to impose on everyone a single version of "truth." Certainly, in my view, and among others, the goal was to harm some people, to push it in solitude and despair. But there was also the profound goal of moving to the community because one truth should reflect on the parties concerned as confirmation of its truth, bow right.
least I do not deny the need for external feedback to discover their own truth. Indeed.
agree, however, that in my life as a man, father and husband the truth is always a provisional research, including in and out of me. Fortunately .
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