My father does not go to church, there is always just gone, but all in all, has always been a believer. My mother raised the problem, solving it with going to church for a while, but I did not understand if you still believe it or not (in God, before the Church, I mean). As a result, I got a bit of my religious education here and a bit there. The grandmothers have taught me the little prayer, the grandparents in the church, however, there you go.
I would be a fool if I did not say who was my father gave me a sense of excitement at the marvels of creation and a great sense of respect for religion. I spared the silly mocking which is just a waste of time.
But certainly, I have not learned the catechism at home. I was, and still are, an enthusiast, with the result that was discovered Christianity, I assumed that this would also be the cornerstone of the "century". To dissolve this phase, between 8 and 12 years, we thought priests and catechists, convince that if the faith had to pass by them, atheism became definitely an attractive option.
At that catechists not only lacked the ability to inspire, listen, accept, send some fire, but also those clever ideas and heart that a teenager, but with the brain to three thousand great need for acceptance, would have jumped at. Not that they were bad people, we were not really for each other. I remember certain times of the meeting to pretend to sing (no singing, but necessary to prove) that then as now was a frustration ion every wish and desire.
I have a vague impression that if my life will be alright in the end will remain basically the search for God, when everything else has been lived. But at the same time, I can not make peace that does not move the leaf which God forbid. It seems to me a choice that takes you in the end to a great hardness of heart or at least indifference. I can not even pacify I choose and decide on the basis of events "that God wants."
Today I thought that there is something more wrong with that reasoning . I think asking God to take responsibility for their own choices, of showing what is right and what is wrong, determine everything that happens is " not tempt the Lord thy God " (Dt 6:16)
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