There's a guy I see around near where I live coming back from work, will be seventeen or eighteen years, maybe less. Go around in black shirts, the kind a po'impressionanti a po'horror not dwell on his eyes with pleasure. Her hair is inordinately long. The companies that I had never seen here, I do not seem much.
were in church every Sunday, his mother and him. Love and harmony, one attacked the other, rather than the opposite. You happy to be there, he accurately and in its place. I had noticed that his head could be seen wandering in other lands.
From what little I understand, the change seems good. Even if you do not agree how to dress. E'che I found that, at some point in life, obviously feels the need to put a distance, whether physical, parents, and especially the mother. Some leave home, others make it unacceptable to the mother in several ways, including physical ones. The problem is that many mothers are unable to accept this need away.
There is also a girl, a little girl, who, however, looks like a male. He dresses and behaves, at least in part, as a male, even in the way that embraces the other girls. It looks as seen from the people have many questions in my head, on the other and its future. Lately I seem to have noticed more hints of femininity. One day, the bar, I heard the mother rifersi to men as "boys" or "boy". Not just a phrase to think of a cause-effect, but sobering.
In one of the first seminar of Reiki, I witnessed an argument between mother and child. Most of those present, he saw, sympathized with his son. I, no doubt, defended her mother harshly criticized by his son. Today I see, and maybe I state, the desire of these young lives to find their way into full life.
PS: The photo is of mother and child working together to improve road safety. A fascinating history
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